
11.1. Product Specifications
The T-3 card is a hardware product designed to be the communications front end
for the Raypak B6000 Boiler Control and a modbus Master Host.
The product includes the following functionality:
Modbus Slave Specifications
Protocol Modes:
RTU mode with CRC-16 error checking
Supported Modbus Function codes:
2 Read Input Status
3 Read Multiple Data Registers
4 Read Input Registers
6 Preset (Write) Single Data Register
8 Loopback Test (Test 0 only)
Supports broadcast commands from host
RS-485 electrical interface
Raypak B6000 Interface
RS-485 electrical interface
Emulates Raypak Modem address and functionality
General Specifications
Configurations via dip switches
Slave Address, Baud and Parity
Hardware Specifications
4” X 5” form factor
Two male 9-pin D Shell connectors
Communications Status lights - Active and Fault for each port
9 to 30 VDC external power