All Heaters
or clearances from combustible surfaces, see Table
A below. We require a minimal vertical clearance of
three feet between the upper surface of the flue outlet
to a noncombustible material.
For servicing, provide at least 24" in front of the heater
on Models 926-1826 & 48" in front of the heater on
Models 2100-4001 for burner tray removal, and at
least 18" on the right side of the heater to inspect and
delime the heat exchanger.
Outdoor Heaters (Models 926-1758)
These heaters are design certified for outdoor installa-
tion, when equipped with the approved top designated
for outdoor use. Heaters must not be installed under
an overhang of less than three (3) feet from the top of
the heater. Three (3) sides must be open in the area
under the overhang. Roof water drainage must be
diverted away from heaters installed under overhangs
with the use of gutters.
The point from where the flue products exit the heater
must be a minimum of four (4) feet below, four (4) feet
horizontally from or one (1) foot above any door, win-
dow or gravity inlet to a building. The top surface of the
heater shall be at least three (3) feet above any forced
air inlet, or intake ducts located within ten (10 ) feet
High Wind Conditions
(Outdoor Units Only)
In areas where high winds are frequent, it may be nec-
essary to locate the heater a minimum of 3' from high
vertical walls, or install a wind break so the heater is
not in direct wind current.
Indoor Heaters
The design is also certified for indoor installation when
equipped with approved drafthood. Locate heater as
close as practical to a chimney or gas vent.
Combustion Air
(Indoor Units Only)
The heater must have both combustion and ventilation
air. Openings must not be obstructed. Minimum
requirements are as follows:
1. Free combustion air 1 sq. in. per 1000 BTU input
within 12" of the floor.
Indoor Heaters
Outdoor Heaters
Top 24 Top 24
Back 24 Back 24
Right Side 24 Right Side 24
Left Side 24 Left Side 24
Vent* 6
Table A: Minimum Clearances from Combustible
*Vent includes factory supplied drafthood and does not include field
supplied vent systems above the drafthood. On Models 2100-4001
drafthood is built into heater.
For servicing provide a front clearance as shown below:
Model 926/962-758/1826 - 24"
Model 2100-4001 - 48"
WARNING: The heater shall not be located in an
area where water sprinklers, or other devices, may
cause water to spray through the cabinet louvers
and into the heater. This could cause heavy internal
rusting or damage some electrical components, and
this would void the warranty.
Fig. 2: Minimum Distance from Openings
CAUTION: Combustion air must not be
contaminated by corrosive chemical fumes which
can damage the heater and void the warranty.