- Press F4 or F5 to select which item will be reset or cleared, then press
CTRL+E to confirm each action.
Set BAUD Rate will reconfigure the serial port according to the BA screen. If the speed is differ-
ent, then reset the BAUD rate on your LapTop (garbage characters will appear).
Zero Run Meters set all run-time meters to zero.
Erase History sets all 7-day and 365-day history to -30.
Reset Program sets all program values to factory default values.
Erase All does all the above (requires 30 seconds).
- Security Password This screen is used to prevent unauthorized access to the
RayTemp, either by modem or direct connection. To use this feature, select a password up to 40
characters and enter it on this screen. Then, all future communication with the control will be
blocked until this password is entered. A screen will appear asking for the password. Make a note
of your password, since you will not be able to access the control without it! By default, no pass-
word is required. To disable password protection erase all text in this field.
- Front Panel Menu This option provides for limited access by the building care-
taker to a fixed set of screens from the front panel. By default, 13 of the most commonly used
screens are accessible from the front panel. They are identified in this screen by their two charac-
ter access code. This line of text can be modified to select a custom set of screens, in any order,
up to 13 screens. If the first character on this line is a space (' ') then this menu system will be dis-
abled and all screens will be accessible from the front panel. To gain access to all of the screens
using only the front panel, press both VALUE keys while in the PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION
screen. This enters a first character space as described above.
LK SELECT - +- Keys Locked When Activated This option prevents changing of pro-
grammed values from the RayTemp front panel + and - keys.
WARNING: This option cannot be deactivated from the control itself. Deactivating this screen
requires either (1) a connection to a PC running the PTT software, or (2) returning the control to
the manufacturer to have them reset this option.