The Raypak Low NOx Pool Heaters are certified and
tested under the ANSI Z21.56.CSA 4.7 standards for
gas-fired pool heaters.
The heater should be installed to meet all local codes, the
latest editions of the National Fuel Gas Code Z223.1 and
the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
On call for heat, the ignition system, consisting of an
electronic spark module, gas valve and pilot system, is
energized. Providing the pilot is proven blower will start
running, the main gas valve will open and the heater will
operate. When the operating control is satisfied the
heater will shut down.
1. Turn on power to the heater with gas supply off.
2. Check ignition as follows:
a. Set the thermostat or controller to call for heat.
b. Watch for continuous spark at the pilot burner.
c. Check the ignition spark operation. Time must
be within the lockout timing period (15 or 90
d. Turn control down to end call for heat and wait 60
seconds on lockout models before beginning step
3. Turn on gas supply.
4. Set controller to call for heat.
5. System should start as follows:
a. Spark will turn on, pilot gas valve will open, and
the blower will begin running.
b. Heater will operate until call for heat is satisfied.
Fig # 9361
This burner assembly does not require any primary air
The Raypak RP2100 Low NOx pool heater is equipped
with a combustion air baffle mounted at the air intake to
the combustion air blower. The baffle has a slot that is
utilized to align with a square window cutout on the
shutter assembly.
The factory setting will be adequate for most field condi-
tions and adjustment will not normally be required.
However in some cases, field conditions including un-
usual gas characteristics may create a need for adjust-
ment to achieve optimum performance. When the com-
bustion air setting is proper, there will be some lifting of
the flames on some areas of the burner deck under cold-
start conditions. After about five minutes of operation, the
flames should settle down and blue tips should become
visible. Lifting of flames beyond the five minutes would
indicate too much combustion air. Loosening the knurled
screw and opening the air baffle (move to the left)
increases the amount of combustion air; closing it (move
to the right) decreases the amount of combustion air.
After a steady blue flame is attained, the knurled screw
must be re-tightened.
Flame can be observed through the slot opening above
the plenum. Flame color is blue and evenly spread on the
top surface of the burner. At least every three months a
visual inspection should be made of the burners. In case
flame lifting is observed on the burner, check gas pres-
sure in manifold. Gas pressure in manifold should be 3.9"
Be sure that electrical service to the boiler has proper
overload fuse or circuit breaker protection, wire size and
connections which comply with all applicable codes.
Low NOx heaters are equipped with a cutoff device to
prevent flame roll-out in the event the heat exchanger
becomes blocked. This is a "manual reset" type roll-out
switch that must be reset by a service technician after
any over temperature conditions have been fixed. Exces-
sive restriction in the heat exchanger flue passage may
cause the switch to disable the heater.