The design is also certified for indoor installation
when equipped with the approved draft hood. Locate
heater as close as practical to a chimney or gas vent.
Heater must always be vented to the outside. See Vent
Piping Section for venting details. Minimum allowable
space is shown on the nameplate.
COMBUSTION AIR (Indoor Units Only)
Air For Combustion And Ventilation
(Indoor Units Only)
The heater must have both combustion and ventila-
tion air. Minimum requirements for net free air supply
openings, one 12 inches from ceiling for ventilation and
one 12 inches from the floor for combustion air as outlined
223.1 and any local codes that may have jurisdic-
CAUTION: Combustion air must not be contaminated
by corrosive chemical fumes which can damage the
heater and void the warranty.
a. All air from inside the building:
Each opening shall have a minimum net free square
inches as noted:
Model Square Inches Model Square Inches
514 512 724 726
624 627 824 825
b. All air from outdoors:
When air is supplied directly from outside of build-
ing, each opening shall valve a minimum net free
square inches as noted:
Model Square Inches
514 128
624 157
724 182
824 207
Lower outdoor “Stackless” top on to unit. Position top so
it is centered on unit from side to side and front to rear.
Tighten the (4) screws (Shown below) until they come in
contact with the unit jacket top, then evenly tighten all (4)
screws to secure to unit.
Fig. #8233
Locate and assemble as shown below. Secure with
screws supplied in envelope in carton.
Fig. #8167
WARNING: Indoor heaters require a draft hood that
must be connected to a vent pipe and properly vented
to the outside. Failure to follow this procedure can
cause fire or fatal carbon monoxide poisoning.
Vent piping the same size or large than the draft hood
outlet is recommended, however, when the total vent
height is at least ten (10) feet (draft hood relief opening
to vent terminal), the vent pipe size may be reduced as
specified in Chapter 10 of the latest edition of the National
Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z 223.1.
Fig. # 8166