Chapter 1: Operation 3
If for any reason depth information is lost, theDEPTH title will flash once
per second and the displayeddepth value will be the last good reading.
Depth alarm threshold displays
The alarm threshold displays are available if the instrument is operating
asa master.Eachdisplayis identifiedby thepresenceofan alarm symbol
( )andeitheran uparrowfor ashallow alarmora downarrowfor adeep
alarm.The shallow anddeepanchor alarmsare identified bymeansof an
additionalanchor icon.
You can enable and disable individual alarm thresholds by pressing the
reset keyfor 2 seconds, while the relevant alarm threshold is displayed.
Each alarm threshold is displayed for a nominal 7 seconds, and if no
action is taken during that time, the display will timeout to the current
depth display.
Adjusting alarm thresholds
To adjustthe alarm threshold levels,press the
trip and reset keys
simultaneouslyto enter adjust mode, then use either the
tripkey (to
decrease)or the
reset key(to increase) the threshold value. When you
tripandreset keysagain,tosavethe
alarm setting and exit the adjust mode.
Note:Adjustment of the shallow alarm threshold can be disabled during
calibration. When adjustment is disabled, you cannot enter adjust mode.
Usethespeed key to select the required information,as shown in the
Using the speed key illustration. The speed measurement units are either
knots (KTS), miles per hour (MPH) or kilometres per hour (KMH), as
selected during user calibration (see Chapter 4, Calibration).
The maximum speed, average speed and VMG to windward are each
displayed for a nominal 7 seconds, and if no actionis taken during that
time, the display will timeout to the Boat speed display.
Boat speed
Shows the current speed and selected speed units.
81040_1.book Page 3 Thursday, November 7, 2002 10:21 AM