4. Handset 1 is Off-Hook while other stations are On-Hook
Handset 1 Handset 2 Handset 3
OFF-Hook On-Hook On-Hook
Operation possible Operation disabled Operation disabled
5. Handset 1 is Off-Hook while another Handset is Off-Hook
Handset 1 Handset 2 Handset 3
OFF-Hook On-Hook OFF-Hook
Operation possible Operation disabled Operation limited
6. All Handsets are Off-Hook
Handset 1 Handset 2 Handset 3
OFF-Hook OFF-Hook OFF-Hook
Operation possible Operation limited Operation disabled
Handset Display
The dot matrix display indicates the handset's rank. If Handset 1 has
priority, for example, the message AVAILABLE is displayed on the LCD of
Handset 1 while HANDSET 1 (or the currently assigned handset name) is
displayed on the LCD of the other handsets.