10 Radome Scanners - Users Guide
Power cables
Radome radar systems are intended for use on boat’s DC power systems
operating in the range 10.7 to 32 V DC. That is 12 V and 24 V systems, they
should not be used on 32 V systems.
A 1.5 m (5ft) power cable is supplied with the display unit for connecting
the boat’s DC power to the radar scanner via the display unit.Refer to the
relevant display unit handbook for details on connecting this cable.
Extending the power cable
24 V power systems
If your boat has a 24 V power system, the power cable may be extended by
up to 20 m using a wire gauge of 1.5 mm
(AWG 16) or greater, irrespec-
tive of the inter-unit cable length.
12 V power systems
If your boat has a 12 V power system, longer power cable runs may require
larger wire gauges to minimize any voltage drop in the cable.
For full details on extending the power cable and maximum permissible
lengths refer to Extending the power cable on page -11.
Power requirements
This radar is not recommended for use on ‘positive’ ground
boats. The power cable earth screen must be connected to
the boat’s ground.
The boat’s power system should be either:
• Negative grounded, with the negative battery terminal connected to
the boat’s ground, or,
• Floating with neither battery terminal connected to the boat’s ground.
Radome scanners receive power from the display via the inter-unit cable.
The display power cable is supplied with the display unit and details for
connecting power are detailed in the relevant Owner’s handbook.
Grounding the radar system
It is important that an effective radio frequency (RF) ground is connected to
the radar system.
You must ground the radar by connecting the drain wire (screen) of the
power cable to the nearest ground point of your boat’s RF ground system.
Full details can be found in the Owner’s Handbook for your display unit.
If you need to extend the wire, the extension wire should be an 8 mm braid
or 6 mm
(AWG 10) multi-strand cable.
If your boat does not have an RF system, connect the drain wire to the
negative battery terminal.