Measuring using oating VRM and EBL
You can use the VRM/EBL oat function to measure the range and
bearing between any two points on the radar screen. This function
allows you to move the VRM/EBL centre away from your boat’s
position and onto a target. You can then change the radius of the
VRM to determine the distance between two points and change the
angle of the EBL, relative to its new origin, to obtain the bearing.
Creating a VRM or EBL on the radar display
1. In the Radar application, press the VRM/EBL 1 softkey until the
ON option is selected.
2. Press the ADJUST VRM softkey.
3. Using the rotary control, adjust the VRM to the required size.
4. Press the ADJUST EBL softkey.
5. Using the rotary control, adjust the EBL to the required angle.
6. Press the OK button to save the settings.
7. Repeat Steps 1 to 6 to create a second VRM/EBL if required,
this time using the VRM/EBL 2 softkey.
Note: The rst VRM/EBL will be placed at a location of 1/3 of
the current range and 030° relative to your vessel’s head. If this
setting is adjusted, the display will retain the adjustments and use
them when the VRM/EBL is next enabled.
Creating a oating VRM or EBL on the radar
1. If you have already created a VRM or EBL, skip to Step 7.
Otherwise, in the Radar application, press the VRM/EBL 1
softkey until the ON option is selected.
2. Press the ADJUST VRM softkey.
3. Using the rotary control, adjust the VRM to the required size.
4. Press the ADJUST EBL softkey.
5. Using the rotary control, adjust the EBL to the required angle.
6. Press the OK button to save the settings.
7. Using the trackpad, position the cursor over the VRM or EBL.
8. Press the FLOATING EBL softkey.
9. Press the ADJUST FLOAT softkey.
10.Using the trackpad, move the oat to dene the rst point for
your measurement.
11. Press the OK button twice.
12.Press the ADJUST VRM softkey
13.Using the trackpad, move the VRM over the second target.
14.The ADJUST VRM softkey tells you what the measurement is
between the two targets.
15.Press the OK button.
Using radar