Dominion KX 1.4
Frequently asked questions 2/9
Questions Answers
Can two people look
at the same server
at the same time?
Yes, actually up to eight people can look at the same server
at the same time.
Can two people access the
same server, one remotely
and one from the local port?
Yes, the local port is completely independent of the remote “ports.”
The local port can access the same server using the PC Share feature.
In order to access
Dominion KX from a client,
what hardware, software, or
network configuration is
Because Dominion KX is completely Web-accessible; it does not require
proprietary software to be installed on clients used for access.
(Although an optional installed client is available on the Raritan Web site
(Raritan.info) for the purposes of accessing Dominion KX via modem).
Dominion KX can be accessed through major Web browsers including:
Internet Explorer, Netscape
, Mozilla
, and Firefox. Dominion KX can
now be accessed on Windows, Linux, SUN Solaris, and Macintosh
desktops, with the introduction of Raritan’s Java-based Multi Platform
Client (MPC).
Dominion KX administrators can also perform remote management
(set passwords and security, rename servers, change IP address, etc.).
To perform remote management from a given workstation, you must also
have Java Runtime Environment of v1.4.2.05 or later installed.
What is the file size of the
applet used to access
Dominion KX? How long
does it take to retrieve?
The applet used to access Dominion KX is approximately 1.4MB in size.
The following chart describes the time required to retrieve Dominion KX’s
applet at different network speeds:
Theoretical 100Mbit
network speed
Likely practical
100Mbit network
Theoretical 10Mbit
network speed
Likely practical 10Mbit
network speed
2 seconds
Cable modem
download speed
Dial-up modem
theoretical speed
3 minutes
Likely practical dial-up
modem speed
5 minutes
How do I access servers
connected to Dominion KX
if the network ever becomes
Dominion KX offers a dedicated modem port for attaching an external
modem. With an externally connected modem, your servers can still be
remotely accessed in the event of a network emergency. Furthermore,
Dominion KX’s local ports always allow access to your servers from the
rack, no matter the network condition.
Do you have a non-Windows
Yes, using Raritan’s Multi-platform Client (MPC), non-Windows users can
connect to target servers through the Dominion KX. MPC can be run via
Web browsers and standalone. Please refer to Raritan’s MPC User
Guide for more information.