9. Place tire/wheel assembly on table top with mounting
side up. (See Fig. 11.5)
10. Use the clamp control pedal to move the clamps inward
or outward. (See Fig. 11.6)
11. Apply tire manufacturer’s approved rubber lubricant
liberally to entire circumference of both beads after
loosening bead and placing on table top. Using the mount/
demount roller to hold down the top bead while rotating the
turntable will make lubrication easier. (See Fig. 11.7)
12. Use the lower bead helpers to assist in the bottom bead
lubrication. (See Fig. 11.8)
13. Move the tower forward by depressing the Tower Tilt
Pedal then press the control button to unlock the
horizontal slide. Pull the mount/demount Head forward.
(See Fig. 11.9 - 11.10)
14. Push the vertical slide down and position the demount
head into contact with the rim edge. (See Fig. 11.11- 11.12)
Clamp steel wheels from the inside (clamps
push outward against wheel). Clamp mag and
custom wheels from the outside (Clamps push
inward against the outside rim edge). Refer to
the Performance Tires and Wheels section.
Fig. 11.5
Fig. 11.6
Fig. 11.7
Fig. 11.8
Fig. 11.9
Fig. 11.11
Fig. 11.10
Fig. 11.12