Technical Data
This cooker is category II
It is supplied set for either:- a) group H natural gas or b) LP gas.
A conversion kit from NG to LP gas is available.
INSTALLER: Please leave these instructions with the User.
DATA BADGE LOCATION: Cooker back, serial number repeater badge below oven door opening.
Country of Destination: GB/IE
Gas Electric
Natural Gas 20mbar 220 - 240V 50Hz
Butane 29mbar
Propane 37mbar
(See appliance data badge for test pressures)
Overall height minimum 893mm maximum 920mm
Overall width 1100mm See ‘Positioning of Cooker’
Overall depth 648mm
Space for fixing See ‘Positioning of Cooker’
Minimum space above hotplate 650mm
Gas: Electric
at rear right-hand side 220 - 240V 50Hz
Natural Gas L.P. Gas
Injector Injector
Wok burner 3.5kW internal 80 3.5kW (246g/h) internal 54
external 129 external 77
Large Burner 3.0kW 134 3.0kW (210g/h) 87
Medium Burners 1.7kW 109 1.7kW (119g/h) 68
Small Burner 1.0kW 75 1.0kW (70g/h) 51
Gas burner inputs based on Gross Calorific Value
Ovens Conventional Oven Fan Oven
Oven Browning Element
2.2kW 1.15kW 2.5kW
Grill 2.3kW
Warmer 160W
Maximum total electrical load at 230V 7.2kW*
*approximate total including oven lights, oven fan etc.