Bus interface: Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)
8-bit bus
Serial ports
Controller: 16450 (16550 optional)
Interface: Two male D-9 connectors
Two male D-25 connectors
optional using adapter cables
Transmit drivers: MC1488 or compatible
High level output voltage: +9V min, +10.5V max
Low level output voltage: -9V min, -10.5V max
Switching speed: 55ns typ, 100ns max
Receive buffers: MC1489 or compatible
High level input voltage: +3V to +13V
Low level input voltage: -3V to -13V
Switching speed: 120ns typ, 175ns max
I/O Address range: 0000H - 07FFH
Interrupt levels: IRQ2 through IRQ7
Power requirements
+5 volts: 390 mA typ, 443 mA max
+12 volts: 38 mA typ, 46 mA max
-12 volts: 36 mA typ, 43 mA max