
5 – Software Installation
Additional Installation Instructions
5-38 IB0056101-00 G
Use the following contents:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
A skeleton XML node file. This file is only a template
and is intended as an example of how to customize your
Rocks cluster and use InfiniPath InfiniBand software and
We want to extend....
<!-- kickstart ’main’ commands go here, -->
<!--e.g., partitioning info -->
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -->
<!-- Many older OFED packages may be included -->
<!-- with CentOS/RHEL. We don’t want to mix these -->
<!-- packages with QLogic packages -->
<!-- About 26 of them could cause collisions. -->
<!-- The - in front of the package name causes kickstart -->
<!-- to ignore them, so we negate the following and -->
<!-- install the QLogic package set in the -->
<!-- post-97-infinipath script. -->
<!-- This list is from CentOS; RedHat packages may be -->
<!-- slightly different. -->