
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
148 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows CE 5.0 User Manual
Security Level
This paramet er c ontr ols the tolerance for decodi ng edg e-t o-e dge UPC/EAN bar
codes. Double- ta pping on this pa ramet er d isp lays a di alog box in which you ca n
choose a level from 0 to 3. Lower val ues have a lower tolerance for misreads, bu t
they also i ncr ease the ti me it take s t o decode the bar code .
Linear Decode
“Linear Deco de” applies to code types con tai nin g two ad jacent block s (e .g.,
UPC-A, EAN-8, EAN-13). When enable d (set t o on) , a bar code i s trans mitted on ly
when both the l ef t and right blocks are succ ess ful ly de coded within one las er s can.
This option shoul d be e nabled when bar c odes a re i n pr oximi ty t o eac h oth er.
2D UPC Half Block Stitching
Setting t h is para me ter to on enables “UPC Half Block St it ching” for th e
omnidirect iona l scanner eng ine o n ly. Code 93
Set th is p aram et er to on to enable “Code 93” or off t o disable it.
Set Length L1 And Set Length L2
Lengths for “Code 9 3” can be set f or Any length, Length within a range, One
discrete length or Two discrete lengths. The length of a code r efers to the number of
characte rs ( i.e ., human readable c hara cte rs) , including check di git(s).
Double-tapp ing on this paramet er di spl ays a dialog box la bel led Set Code Lengths
where you can de fi ne the code len gth t hat will be r ecognized by yo ur sc anner.
Choosing One discrete length allows you to decode only thos e codes containing a
selected length. Choo sing Two discrete lengths allows you to decode only those
codes contai ning two select ed lengths . Length within a range allows you t o d ecode
a code type wi thi n a specifi ed ra nge f rom 4 t o 55.
Field Size/Char
Refer to page 143 for details .