Allows selection of the ETX character.
To specify the ETX Character:
1. Scan the SWITCH bar code.
2. Scan the bar code, SET SINGLE CABLE RS-232 ETX CHARAC-
TER below. You’ll need to cover any unused bar codes on this and
the facing page to ensure the scanner reads only the bar code you
intend to scan.
3. Scan the appropriate characters/digits from the keypad in
Appendix C that represent the decimal designation for the desired
character. A table containing the ASCII Character Set and their
corresponding decimal values is available in the inside back cover
of this manual. ASCII parameters must be input by scanning dec-
imal digits for each character. Pad all numbers with leading zeroes
to yield a three-digit entry (001-127). Thus, to set a single charac-
ter value of A, bar codes containing the digits ‘0’, ‘6’ and ‘5’ must
be scanned. The selectable range for this option is any decimal
value from 001 to 127.
4. The scanner will automatically exit Programming Mode when the
appropriate amount of digits have been scanned.