Insert the key into the console.
Select the manual mode.
When the key is in-
serted, the manual
mode will be selected.
If you have selected a
preset program, rese-
lect the manual mode
by pressing the
Program Select button
repeatedly until a track appears in the display.
Start the walking belt.
To start the walking belt, press the Start button or
the Speed increase button. The walking belt will
begin to move at 1 mph. As you exercise, change
the speed of the walking belt as desired by press-
ing the Speed increase and decrease buttons.
Each time you press a button, the speed setting
will change by 0.1 mph; if you hold down a button,
the speed setting will change in increments of 0.5
mph. Note: After you press the buttons, it may take
a moment for the walking belt to reach the selected
speed setting.
To stop the walking belt, press the Stop button.
The time will begin to flash in the display. To
restart the walking belt, press the Start button or
the Speed increase button.
Change the incline of the treadmill as desired.
To change the incline of the treadmill, press the
increase and decrease buttons. Each time
a button is pressed, the incline setting will change
by 0.5%; if a button is held down, the incline set-
ting will change quickly.
Follow your progress with the matrix and the
When the manual mode
is selected, the matrix
will show a track repre-
senting 1/4 mile (400
As you walk or
run on the treadmill, the
indicators around the
track will appear in succession until the entire track
appears. The track will then disappear and the in-
icators will again begin to appear in succession.
he center of the dis-
play will show the ap-
proximate number of
calories you have
burned and the incline
level of the treadmill.
When you use the built-in pulse sensor, the center
of the display will also show your heart rate.
The lower right corner of
the display can show
the distance you have
walked or run, the
elapsed time, your pace
(in minutes per mile),
and the speed of the walking belt. Note: When a
preset program is selected, the lower right corner
of the display will show the time remaining in the
program instead of the elapsed time.
The top of the display is
the priority display. The
priority display can
show the elapsed time,
your pace (in minutes
per mile), your pulse
(when you use the built-in pulse sensor), the
speed of the walking belt, or the distance you have
walked or run. Press the Display button repeatedly
until the priority display shows the information that
you want to view. Note: While information is dis-
played in the priority display, the same information
will not be displayed in the other displays.
Note: The console can display speed and dis-
tance in either miles or kilometers. To change the
unit of measurement, see THE INFORMATION
MODE on page 17.
Note: For simplicity, all in-
structions in this section refer to miles.
To reset the display, press the Stop button, re-
move the key, and then reinsert the key.
Turn on the fan if desired.
To turn on the fan, press the Fan button. To turn
on the fan at high speed, press the button a sec
ond time. To turn off the fan, press the button a
third time. Note: If the fan is left on when the walk-
ing belt is stopped, the fan will automatically turn
off after a few minutes.