Warranty and Service
This equipment is warranted to be free from defects of material and workmanship. It is
sold subject to the mutual agreement that the liability of Princeton Instruments, Inc., is
limited to replacing defective parts and/or repairing malfunctioning equipment at its
factory, provided the equipment is returned, transportation prepaid, within twelve (12)
months of its factory ship date.
The purchaser agrees that Princeton Instruments, Inc. shall assume no liability for
consequential damages resulting from its use or from packaging of shipments returned to
the factory.
Components which are damaged by misuse are not warranted. Units which have been
modified by a customer are not warranted.
UV coatings are not covered by this warranty.
Equipment Repairs
It is recommended that units requiring service in the United States be returned to the
factory located in Trenton, New Jersey. Before instrumentation is returned for service,
please consult a service engineer at the factory. In many cases, the problem may be
cleared up over the telephone.
If the unit needs to be returned, the service engineer will ask for a detailed explanation of
the problems encountered and a purchase order to cover any charges. You will then
receive a Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) number. Place this number on the
package so the returned equipment can be easily identified when received at the factory.
You must also include with the equipment a completed RMA form explaining the
symptoms or problems encountered. Without this document, repair turnaround time will
be considerably longer.
It is especially important to prevent freezing during shipping, because the temperature to
which the CC-100 will be exposed will not be under control. Since it is very difficult to
drain the CC-100 completely, it is strongly advised to fill with an antifreeze solution of
sufficient concentration to prevent freezing and allowed to circulate for at least five
minutes prior to draining in preparation for shipment. Before shipping the unit, the
plastic tube plugs should be installed on both the inlet and outlet tube fittings to prevent
leakage and possible additional damage.
If the unit is under warranty, the customer is only responsible for the transportation and
insurance charges to Princeton Instruments. Princeton Instruments is responsible for the
return transportation charges. If the unit is out of warranty, the customer is responsible
for all transportation charges (including insurance and duty fees, when applicable) as