Using the CD Color Printer III with Windows 17
2. In Windows 95/98, you will see several tabs from which
printer settings can be changed including Media, Device
Options, Cartridge, and Calibrate. In Windows NT, click
on the Advanced tab of the Document Settings window. In
Windows 2000 click on the Advanced button for more
driver settings.
Most applications allow you to change these same printer driver
options from their Print and/or Printer Setup screens. This
means that you dont have to go back to the main printer setup
window each time you want to change a setting or option in the
printer driver. These applications will usually give you the same
choices and options, but in a slightly altered format.
3. In Windows 95/98, you must click on one of the four tabs
to see the printer setting options; each tab contains
different printer settings. In Windows NT, the CD Color
Printer Document Settings appear. In Windows 2000 the
Layout and Paper/Quality tabs appear; the Advanced
button contains more printer driver settings. Although
each printer driver displays the print options in a slightly
different format, the basic options are the same. Refer to
the remainder of this section for a description of each
printer driver option.
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