still does not fit, contact a qualified e lectri-
cian toinstall theproper walloutlet. Donot
change the equipment plug, extension
cord receptacle, o r extension cord plug in
any way .
S To reduce the risk o f electrical s hock, use
extension c ords specifically marked as
suitable fo routdoor appliances. Theelec-
trical rating of the cord must not be less
than the rating o f t he unit. The c ord must
be marked with the suffix “ W -A” (in Cana-
da, “W”). Make sure your exte nsion cord
is in good condition. Inspect extension
cord bef ore use and re place i f dama ged .
An undersized extension cord will cause
a drop in line voltage resulting in loss of
power and overheating. If in doubt, use
the next hea vier g auge. The s maller the
gauge number , the h eavier th e cord.
(NOTE: The correct size to be used de-
pending on the cord length is shown in
this man ual.See
in the ASSEM BLY secti on) .
S Do not use multiple cord s.
S Keep the extension cord clear of operator
and obstacles at all times.
S Tie cord to c ord retainer and connect to
recessed plug as shown i n t his manual to
prevent damage to unit an d/or e xte nsion
extension cord disconnecting from the
unit during operat ion.
S Do notattempt torepairunit. Inspectthe
insulation and connectors on the uni t
and extension cord before each use. If
there is any damage, do not use until
damage is repaired by your authorized
service dealer.
S Do not use the unit i f t he switch do es not
turn the unit on and off pr operly. H ave the
unit repaire d by your authorized service
S Avoid accidental starting. Be sure the
switch is in the
OFF positi on an d keep
your hand and fin gers away fro m the
switch wh ile conne cting t he u nit to the
power s ource o r w hencarrying aunitcon-
nected to the power source.
S Avoid any body contact with any
grounded con ductor, such as metal
fences, or pipes, to avoid the possibility of
electric shock.
S Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)
protection should be provide d on th e cir-
cuit or outlet to be used f or this unit. Re-
ceptacles are available having built-in
GFCI protection and may be used f or th is
measure of safety.
S Stop the m ot or immediately if you ar e ap-
This unit is double insulated to help pro-
tect against electric shock. Double insula-
ti on c onstr uct i on c onsist s of t wo separate
“l ayers” of elect r i cal insulation inst ead of
grounding. Tools and appliances builtwith
a double insul ati on system ar e n ot i n-
tended to be grounded. No grounding
means is pr ovi ded on this unit, nor should
a means of g round ing be added to t his
unit. A s a result , the extension cor d u sed
wit h your unit can be p l ugged int o any
standard 1 20 v ol t e l ectr i cal outlet. Saf ety
precauti ons must be observed when op-
erati ng any electr ical tool . T he double in-
sula t ion system onl y prov i d es added pro-
tecti on against inj ury r esul ti ng from an
internal electrical insulation failure.
All electrical repai r s to this unit, including
housing, swit ch,motor, etc.,must be diag-
nosed and repaired by qual i f i ed service
personnel. Replacement par t s for a
double insulat ed app l iance must be iden-
tical to the p arts t he y replace. A doub le i n-
sulated appliance is marked with the
words “ double insulation” or “ double insu-
lated” . The s ymbol
(square wit hi n a
square) may also be marked on the ap-
pliance. Failure to have the unit repaired
by an authorized service dealer can
cause the double insulat i on constr uct ion
to become i neff ect i ve and r esult inseri ous
S Do not set the unit on any s urface except
a clean, hard area while the unit is run-
ning. Debris such as gravel, sand, dust,
grass, etc., c ould be picked up by t he a ir
intake and t hro wn out throug h the dis-
charge opening, damaging t he unit, prop-
erty, or causing s erious injury to bystand-
ers or operato r.
S Do not overreach o r use from unstable
surfaces such as ladders, trees, steep
slopes, rooftops, etc. Use extra care
when cleanin g on stairways. Keep firm
footing and balance at all times. K eep
hands out of t ubes.
S Inspect the entire unit befo re each use for
worn, loose, missing, or damaged parts.
Do not use until the u nit is i n proper work-
ing order.
S This unit is double i nsula ted. S ee the
section. Have all internal service per-
formed by qualifiedservice repair person-
nel to avoid creating a hazard or voiding
your warranty.