-- 4 --
S Avoidunintentionalstartingoftheunit.Nev-
er carry unit with your finger on the switch.
Be sure the switch is in the OFF position
and never touch the switch when connect-
ing extension cord.
D Avoid a ny body contact with any grounded
conductor, such as meta l fences, or pipes, to
avoid t he possibility o f electric shock.
D Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)
protectionshouldbeprovidedon thecircuit
oroutlet tobeusedforthepowerhead. Re-
ceptacles are available having built-in
GFCI protection and may be used for this
measure of safety.
D Stop the motor immediately if you are ap-
WARNING: Neverput handsorother
objects into blower housing to avoid serious
injury from the rotating impeller .
WARNING: Inspect the area before
jects suchas rocks,glass, wire,etc.,thatcan
or damage during operation.
S Inspect attachment before each use for
worn,loose,missing,ordamagedp arts.Do
not useuntil unit is inproper workingorder .
S Keep outside surfaces free from oil and
S Never start or run engine inside a closed
room, building or other unventilated area.
Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.
S Avoiddangerous environments.Donotuse
in unventilated areas or where explosive
vapors or carbon monoxide build--upcould
be present.
S Do not set unit on any surface except a
clean, hard area while engine is running.
Debris such as gr avel, sand, dust, grass,
thrown out through dis charge opening,
damagingunit,property ,orcausingserious
injury to bystanders or operator .
S Donotoverreachor usefromunstablesur-
faces suchas ladders,trees, steepslopes,
at all times.
S Never place objects inside t he discharge
opening; always dir ect the blowing debris
objects such as trees, automobiles, walls,
stickstobethrownor toricochet whichcan
hurt people or animals, break glass, or
cause other damage.
S Check air intake opening frequently. Keep
vents and discharge openingfree ofdebris
which can accumulate and restrict proper
air flow.
S Never use forspreadingchemicals,fertiliz-
toxic materials.
S Toavoidspreadingfire,donotusenearleaf
or brush fires, fireplaces, barbecue pits,
ashtrays, etc.
S Wear hearing protection.
S Use only in daylight or good artificial light.
WARNING: D isconnect powerhead
spark p lug (or disconnect powerhead from
power source) before performing m ainte-
D Have all maintenance other than the rec-
ommendedprocedures describedin thein-
struction manual performed by your autho-
rized service dealer.
D Alwaysseeyourauthorizedservicedealerto
replaceadamagedimpeller. Parts that are
chipped, cracked, broken, or damaged in
any otherway canfly apartand causeseri-
ous injury . Have damaged parts replaced
before using attachment.
D Use only recommended Poulan PRO re-
placement p arts; use of any other parts
mayvoidyourwarranty andcausedamage
to your unit.
D Never do use or squirt the attachment with
water or any oth er liquid.
D Hand carry the unit with the engine
D Allow the powerhead and attachment to
cool and secure the unit before storing or
transporting in a vehicle.
D Storeunitandfuelinareawherefuelvapors
cannot reach sparks or open flames from
water heaters, electric motors or switches,
furnaces, etc.
D Store in ahigh, cool, dry ,indoor area outof
reach of children.
If situations occur which are not covered in this
manual, use care and good j udgment. If you
need assistance, call 1--800--554--6723.
SPECIAL NOTICE:Exposu re to vib ratio n s
through prolonged use of gasoline powered
hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve
damage in the fingers, hands, andjoints ofpeo-
ple prone to circulation disorders or abnormal
swelling. Prolonged use in cold weather has
been linked t o blood vessel damage in other-
wisehealthy people.Ifsymptomsoccur suchas
numbness,pain,lossof strength,change inskin
color or texture, or loss of feeling in the fingers,
hands, or joints, discontinue the use of this tool
and seek m edical attention. An anti--vibration
system does no t g uarantee the avoidance o f
theseproblems.Users whooperate powertools
on a continual and regular basis must monitor
closely theirphysical conditionand thecondition
of this tool.