S Secure hair above shoulder len gth. S ecure
loosely hanging ties, straps, tassels, etc.
They can be caught in moving parts.
S Being fully covered also helps protect you
from debris and pieces o f toxic plants thrown
by spinning tines.
S Stay alert.Do notoperate whenyou are tired,
ill, upset, or under the i nfluence of a lcohol,
drugs,ormedication. W atch whatyou aredo-
ing; use common sense.
S Wear hearing protection.
S Never start or run i nside a closed room or
building. Breathing exhaust f umes can kill.
S Keep handles free of oil and fuel.
S Never operate the cultivator without the tine
guard in p lace and properly secured.
FUEL SAFETY (for gas powerheads)
S Mix and pour fuel outdoors.
S Keep away from sparks or flames.
S Use a container approved for fuel.
S Do not smoke or allow smoking near fuel or
the powerhead.
S Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up all fuel spills
before starting the powerhead.
S Move at least 10 feet (3 m eters) away from
fuelingsite beforestarting powerhead engine.
S Stop engine and allow to cool before remov-
ing fuel cap.
S Remove fuel cap slowly.
S Store unit a nd fuel in an area where fuel va-
pors cannot reach sparks or open flames
from water h eaters, e lectric motors or
swit ches, fu rn a ce s, etc.
WARNING: Avoid a dangerous envi-
ronment. To reduce the risk of electrical shock,
do not use in rain, in damp o r wet locations, or
around swimming pools, hot tubs, etc. Do not
expose to snow , rain, or water to avoid the pos-
sibility of electrical shock. Do not use o n wet
surfaces. Do not handle extension cord plug or
unit with wet hands.
S Use only a voltage supply a s shown on the
nameplate of t he unit.
S Avoid d angerous situations. Do n ot use in
presence of flammable liquids or gases t o
avoid creatinga fireor explosion and/orcaus-
ing damage to unit.
S Avoiddangerousenvironments.Donotusein
unventilatedareas orwheredust or explosive
vapors can build up.
S To reduce the risk of electric shock, the pow-
erhead may have a polarizedplug (one blade
is wider than the other); if so, it will require the
use of a polarized extension cord. T he ap-
pliance plug will fit into a polarized extension
cordonly oneway. If theplug does not fit fully
into the extension cord, reverse the plug. If
theplugstilldoes notfit,obtainacorrectpolar-
ized e xtension cord. A polarized extension
cord will require the u se of a polarized wall
outlet. This plug will fit into the polarized wall
outlet only one way. If plug does not fit fully
into the wall outlet, reverse the plug. If it still
does not fit, contact a qualified electrician to
install t he proper wall outlet. Do not change
the equipment plug, extension cord recep-
tacle, or extension cord plug i n any way .
S To reduce risk of electrical shock, use exten-
sion cords specifically marked as suitable for
outdoorappliances havingelectrical ratingnot
less than the r ating of unit. Cord must be
marked with suffix “W--A” (in Canada “W”).
Ma ke sure your exte n si o n cord is in g o od
condition. Inspect e xtension cord bef ore use
and replace if damaged. Do n ot use a dam-
agedcord. Cord insulation must be intact with
no cracks or deterioration. P lug connectors
must be undamaged. The extension cord
used to reach the power source must be
heavy enough tocarry currentfromthepower
source the full length of the extension cord to
the unit. An undersized extension cord w ill
causea dropin linevoltageresultingin lossof
power and o verheating. If in doubt, use the
next heavier gauge. The lower the gauge
number , the heavier the cord.
S Do not use multiple cords.
S Donotabusecord.Nevercarry theunitby the
extension cord or yank extension cord to dis-
connect unit. To unplug, grasp the plug, not
thecord. Donotusecordas ahandle,closea
door oncord,or pullcordaroundsharpedges
or corners. Do not expose cords to hea t, oil,
or water .
S Keepthe extension cord clearof operatorand
obstacles at all times.
S Tie cord to cord retainer and connect to re-
cessed plug as shown i n this manual t o pre-
vent damage to unit and/or extension cord
and to reduce the possibility of the extension
cord disconnecting from the u nit during op-
S Donot attempttorepairunit. Inspect theinsu-
lation and connectors on the powerhead and
extension cord before each u se. If there i s
any damage, do not use until damage is re-
paired by your a uthorized service de aler .
S Do not use the powerhead if the switch does
notturn theuniton andof f pro perly. H avethe
unit repaired by your authorized servicedeal-
er .
S Donotusewithdamagedcordorplug. Ifpow-
erhead is not working a s it should, has been
dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or dropped
into water, returnit to your authorizedservice
dealer for repair.
S Avoid unintentional starting of the unit. Never
carry unit with your finger on the switch. Be
sure th e switch i s i n th e OFF positio n and
never touch the switch when connecting ex-
tension cord.
S Unplug the unit from the power source when
notinuse,beforeservicing, andwhenchang-
ing accessories and/or attachments.
S Avoid any bod y contact with any grounded
conductor, such as metal fences, or pipes, to
avoid the possibility of electric shock.
S Ground Fault C ircuit Interrupter (GFCI)
protection should beprovided onthe circuitor
outlet to be used for the powerhead. Recep-
tacles are available having built-in GFCI
protection and may be used for this measure
of safety .