-- 11 --
WARNING: P erform the following
steps after each use:
S Allow engine to cool, and secu re the unit
before storing or transport ing.
S Stor e unit and fuel in a w ell ventilated area
where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or
open flames fr om water heaters, electric
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
S Stor e unit with all guards in place. Position
unit so that any sharp object cannot acci-
dentally cause injury.
S Stor e unit and fuel well out of t he reach o f
Prepareunit for storage at end ofseason or if
it will not be used for 30 days or more.
If your unit is to be stored for a per iod of ti m e:
S Clean the entire unit before lengthy stor-
S Stor e in a clean dry area.
S Lightly oil external metal surfaces.
TION section ofthis manual,seemessagela-
beled IMPORTANT regarding the use of ga-
sohol in your engine.
Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable alt ernative in
minimizing the for mation of fuel gum deposi ts
during storage. Add sta bilizer to gasol ine i n fuel
tank or fuel storage container . Follow the mix
instr uct ions fo und on sta bilize r con tainer . Run
engine at least 5 minutes af ter adding stabilizer .
During storage of yourgas/
oil mixture, the oilwillsepa-
rate f rom the gas.
We reco m mend that you
shake the gas can weekly
to insu reproper blendingof
the gas and oil.
S Remove spark plugand pour1 teaspoon of
40:1, 2- cycl eengine oil(air cooled)through
the spark plug opening. Slowly pull the
starter rope 8 to 10 times to distribute oil.
S Replacespark plugwith new one ofrecom-
mended type and heat range.
S Clean air f ilter.
S Check entire unit for loose screws, nuts,
and bolts. Replace any damaged, broken,
or worn parts.
S At the beginning of the next season , use
only fresh fuel havingtheproper gasolineto
oil rat io.
S Do not store gasoline from one season to
S Replaceyourgasolinecan i fitstarts t orust.