Polycom VVX 400 and 410 Business Media Phones User Guide Version 5.0.0
Polycom, Inc. 48
The following figure shows favorites in Lines view. Favorites display beneath the phone lines.
Figure 18: Viewing Favorites in Home View
Favorites display consecutively according to their index number. The contact with the lowest number
displays first. To reorder your favorites, change your contact’s index number in the Contact Directory.
To see your Favorites:
» Press , select Directories > Favorites.
To call a Favorite:
» From your Favorites list or from Lines view, select the favorite you want to call. The call is
automatically placed.
To reorder your Favorites:
1 From your Contact Directory, select the contact and press Edit.
2 From the Edit Contact screen, select Favorite Index, and enter a new favorite index number.
3 Press Save.
To remove a Favorite from the list:
1 From your Contact Directory, select the contact and press Edit.
2 From the Edit Contact screen, select Favorite Index, and delete the contact’s favorite index
3 Press Save.
Managing Shared Lines
If your phone shares a line with another phone, all phones ring for an incoming call to one of the shared
line. The call can be answered on any of the phones of the shared line. You can transfer, hold, or set up a
conference with active and held calls on shared lines.
If you have an incoming call on a shared line, you can silence your ringer by pressing Silence. The
incoming call stops ringing on your phone, but the call’s visual notification continues to display on your
phone and you can still answer the call.