Chapter 7 - Diagnostics and General Troubleshooting
© Polycom, Inc. 7-11
General Troubleshooting
This section presents problems, likely causes, and corrective actions. Problems are
presented as follows:
❑ Critical problems — Prevent use of the system or access to common functions.
❑ Severe problems — Prevent you from making calls successfully.
❑ Moderate issues — Prevent you from using basic calling functions.
❑ Minor issues — Detract from the user experience.
Critical Problems
This section describes problems that prevent normal use of the system. They may
also mask other problems. For example, if the system is not able to make a call and
there are no batteries in the remote, you will need to install new batteries before
you are able to determine whether the system can make calls.
Symptom System Cause Solution
The system does not
respond in any way.
All The power switch is in the OFF
Turn on the power switch.
The power cord is not
Connect the power cord, then power on
the system.
The power outlet is not active. Check the power outlet by unplugging
the system and plugging in a lamp,
radio, or other small appliance. If it
does not operate, connect the system
to a different outlet.
The system’s power supply is
not operating properly.
Check the power outlet by unplugging
the system and plugging in a lamp,
radio, or other small appliance. If it
operates, the problem is in the system.
Call Polycom Technical Support and
arrange to return the system for