Configuration Files
A - 85
reg.x.ringType 1 to 22 2 The ringer to be used for calls received by
this registration. Default is the first non-silent
reg.x.lineKeys 1 to max 1 max = the number of line keys on the phone.
max = 1 on SoundStation IP 4000,
max = 2 on IP 301, 320, 330, 430,
max = 3 on IP 501,
max = 4 on IP 550,
max = 6 on IP 600,
max = 48 on IP 601, 650 (without any
Expansion Modules attached, only 6 line keys
are available)
The number of line keys on the phone to be
associated with registration ‘x’.
reg.x.callsPerLineKey 1 to 24 OR
1 to 8
24 OR
For the SoundPoint IP 600, 601, and 650 the
permitted range is 1 to 24 and the default is
For all other phones the permitted range is 1
to 8 and the default is 8.
This is the number of calls or conferences
which may be active or on hold per line key
associated with this registration.
Note that this overrides
for this registration.
Refer to Call Handling Configuration <call/>
on page A-55.
reg.x.outboundProxy.address dotted-decimal IP
address or host
Null IP address or host name and port of a SIP
server to which the phone shall send all
reg.x.outboundProxy.port 1 to 65535 5060
Values Default Interpretation