Polycom-Microsoft User’s Guide
Escalating Windows Messenger or Office Communicator IM
Multiparty Session to an Audio/Video Conference
When you invite several buddies to a Windows Messenger or Office
Communicator IM session, you can add audio and video to the
conference after it has started (provided that the other participants have
video capabilities). These can be done in one of the following methods:
• Defining an Ad-hoc Entry Queue (see Chapter 2, “Procedure 8—
Defining Additional Conferencing Components in the MGC
Environment” on page 2-27) and registering this Entry Queue with
the LCS so it will appear in the buddy list (see Chapter 1, “Multipoint
Conferencing Scenarios” on page 1-3).
• Using Office Communicator native conferencing capabilities; using
the new conference icon (no need to add the MGC Entry Queue to the
Contacts list).
Windows Messenger
To add Audio and Video to a Windows Messenger session:
1 Start a Windows Messenger session by inviting the required buddies
from the list.