Conference Management Operations
Polycom, Inc. 27
Edit a Room’s Settings
You can edit a room’s call settings for future scheduled conferences. The
changes apply only to the selected conference.
To edit a room’s settings
1 Go to Conference > Future.
2 To delete a past conference, select the appropriate filter (such as
Yesterday Plus).
3 Select the conference of interest and click Edit .
4 If you select a recurring conference, a dialog box appears asking if you
want to edit all conferences in the series or just the selected one. Make the
appropriate choice and click Edit.
5 In the conference scheduling page, select the room of interest from the
Selected Participants and Rooms list and click Edit.
6 In the Edit Room Settings dialog box, edit the room settings as required.
a Select the room’s endpoint, if the room has more than one available.
b For a room with an audio endpoint, set Dial Type to IP or ISDN as
c For a room with a video endpoint:
» Set the Bit Rate, Dial Options, and Dial Type as required. You
can change the connection speed for an endpoint up to the
maximum speed specified by the conference template.
» If you select Dial Out and a Dial Type of IP, enter the room’s
phone Number.
» If you select Dial Out and a Dial Type of ISDN and the system
must use a specific dialing prefix to call the room, select Use
Modified Dial Number and enter the room’s complete phone
number including prefix, country code, area or city code, and
phone number.
» If you select Dial Out and a Dial Type of ISDN and the system
does not need to use a specific dialing prefix to call the room,
select the appropriate Country and enter the room’s Area/City
Code and phone Number.
Click OK.
Not all of these settings are applicable to all endpoint types, so some selections
may be grayed out. See your endpoint documentation to understand supported