User’s Guide for the Polycom Mobile Responder
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System Components
These standard components come with the Polycom Mobile Responder:
Name Component Description
Polycom Mobile
The Polycom Mobile Responder is a transportable
video conferencing system. The system offers
built-in components, such as a display and camera,
a connection panel that enables you to connect
additional components, and the VSX 8000 user
VGA cable The VGA cable enables you to connect your Mobile
Responder to an optional projector or an additional
Power cables for
North America, United
Kingdom, and Europe
The power cable connects power to the Mobile
Responder. Use the cable that’s appropriate for
your country.
LAN cable The LAN cable connects the Mobile Responder to
an IP network.
S-video to RCA
The S-video to RCA adapter enables you to
connect a composite video output device, such as
some cameras and VCRs, to the Mobile
VSX 8000 remote
The remote control is designed to make it easy to
set up and operate the system — color-coded
buttons correspond to system features.
Remote tether The remote tether enables you to connect the
remote control to the Mobile Responder so that you
do not lose the remote control.
Documentation • Quick Setup for the Polycom Mobile Responder
• Polycom Mobile Responder documentation CD
• Polycom VSX Series documentation CD