
A-- 58
1. Safely support the rear
of the machine with the
track off the ground
using a jackstand.
2. Start the engine and
apply a small amount of
throttle until the track
turns slowly at least f ive
complete revolutions.
Stop the engine.
3. Inspect track alignment
by looking through the
track windows to make
sure the rails are evenly
spaced on each side. If
the track runs to the left,
loosen left idler wheel
mounting bolt and
tighten the left track
adjusting bolt. If the
track runs to the right,
loosen right idler wheel
mounting bolt and tighten the right track adjusting bolt.
4. After adjustments are complete, be sure to tighten locknuts and
idler shaft bolts. Torque to 35-40 ft. lbs. (4.8-5.5 kg/m).
5. Repeat step 2 to verify proper alignment.
Looking through
track window,
make sure the rails
are evenly spaced
on each side.