D 68 E 69
Sampling rate Exercising time
15 s - 30 min
30 s 30 min - 1 h
1 min 1 h - 2 h
2 min 2 h - 4 h
4 min 4 h - 8 h
8 min 8 h – 16 h
The wrist receiver records essential data for your
training log. A training log makes it possible to
plan future training and to define the most
suitable interval training for maximising
performance capacity.
Downloading Training Data to a Computer
Your heart rate monitor offers an
easy way to analyse training data
by computer afterwards. It starts
recording at a sampling rate of 15
seconds up to 120 samples. When
the memory is full, it is compressed
and a longer averaging period is
used (30 s, 1 min, 2 min, 4 min or
8 min) depending on the recording time. Maximum recording time is 16
hours. The table shows the exercise times for each sampling rate.
Split time.
Speed at the end of the
lap (If bike 1 /2 was on).
Lap time.
Lap number.
The heart rate at
the end of the lap,
average and
maximum heart rates of the lap.
Press the stop button to exit the LAPS display.
Press and hold stop to return to the Time of Day display.
Resetting Your Cumulative Counts to Zero
Once your have reset the cumulative count you cannot retrieve it.
Start with the display showing Tot. KCal, Tot. Time, Rid. Time or Odometer.
1. Press OK to start resetting the desired total count. Reset appears and
the value starts to flash.
2. Press and hold the down button. Reset starts to flash. You can still
cancel the resetting by releasing the down button before the value is
reset. If you are sure that you want to reset the value keep holding the
down button until value is reset. Release.
3. Press the stop button to exit the reset display. Press and hold the stop
button to return to the Time of Day display.
S510 S520 manual USA GBR A.pm6 7/2/02, 12:5968-69