
Watch Settings
Select the value you want to change and press OK. Adjust the values with UP/DOWN and accept with OK.
Select Settings > Watch, time and date.
Alarm: Set the alarm to go on Once, from Monday to Friday, Every day, or turn it Off. Press BACK to stop
the alarm or UP/DOWN to snooze for 10 minutes. The alarm cannot be used during training.
Time: Select Time 1 and set the time format, hours and minutes. Select Time 2 to set time for another time
zone by adding or substracting hours. In the Time view, you can quickly change from Time 1 to Time 2 by
pressing and holding DOWN.
Time zone: Select time zone 1 or 2.
Date: Set the date.
Watch face: Select Time and logo, Time and trophy or Time only.
Training Settings
Select Settings > Training settings.
Training sounds: Select Very loud, Loud, Soft or Off.
Speed sensor: Activate or deactivate speed and distance sensor by selecting GPS sensor, Footpod or Off.
Heart rate view: Set the FT60 to display your heart rate as Beats per minute or as Percent of maximum.
Speed view: Select Kilometres per hour (KM/H) / Minutes per kilometre (MIN/KM) or Miles per hour
(MPH) / Minutes per mile (MIN/M)
Footpod calib. factor: For more information, see Accessory settings.
HeartTouch: Select On or Off.
Zone lock: Select Zone 1, 2 0r 3 to train on a specific heart rate zone or set the zone lock Off.
Zone 1 Limits: Adjust your zone 1 limits manually. When setting the upper limit, the lower limit of zone 2
is set automatically.
Zone 2 limits: Adjust your zone 2 limits manually. When setting the lower limit, the upper limit of zone 1
is set automatically. When setting the upper limit, the lower limit of zone 3 is set automatically.
Zone 3 limits: Adjust your zone 3 limits manually. When setting the lower limit, the upper limit of zone 2
is set automatically.
Change the zone limits defined by Polar FT60 only if you know your limits for burning fat, improving fitness and
maximizing fitness. If the training program is active, the FT60 will incorporate your new zone limits when updating
the program targets.
User Information
Select Settings > User Information and press OK.
Weight: Enter your weight.
Height: Enter your height.
Date of birth: Enter your date of birth
Sex : Select MALE or FEMALE.
Maximum heart rate is the highest number of heartbeats per minute (bpm) during maximum physical
exertion. Change the default value only if you know your laboratory-measured value.
Activity: Select the alternative that best describes the overall amount and intensity of your physical
activity during the past three months.
1. TOP (5+ hours per week): You participate in heavy physical exercise at least 5 times a week, or you
exercise to improve performance for competitive purposes.
2. HIGH (3-5 hours per week): You participate at least 3 times a week in heavy physical exercise, e.g.
you run 20-50 km or 12-31 miles per week or spend 3-5 hours per week in comparable physical
3. MODERATE (1-3 hours per week): You participate regularly in recreational sports, e.g. you run 5-10 km
Settings 15