5. Training
Adjust the Equine Transmitter
ForinstructionsonhowtoinstallthePolarEquineTransmitter,con sultthetransmitterusermanual.
Start Training
Adjust the transmitter and attach the Training Computer to the bike mount.
1. Start heart rate measurement by pressing the OK button. The Training Computer goes
into pause mode.
2. Select the sulky you are going to exercise with. sulky 1 is set as a default. Select
Settings > sulky > sulky 1 > OK. Select Other if you only want to record heart rate.
Only the sulkys that are switched ON are shown on this selection list. For further
information see sulky Settings.
The number on the bottom, right hand corner indicates the sulky that is going to be
used. By pressing and holding the DOWN button, you can switch the sulky quickly or
switch to heart rate recording only. By pressing and holding the UP button you can
switch the exercise quickly.
3. Within 4 seconds, your heart rate appears on the display. The frame around the heart
symbol indicates that transmission is coded. The hoof symbol on the bottom, right
hand corner of the display, flashes until all the sensors are found.
4. StartexercisingbypressingOK.Theexercisetypeisdisplayedintheupperleft‐handcorner.
In Settings, you can change or view different settings before exercise. The Settings menu lists
the following options :