Main Functions
Text or images drawn on the copyboard’s sheet surface can be printed in color or black
and white on regular paper.
A press of the “Print” button on the operation panel quickly prints what has been hand written on the sheet surface
to regular LETTER or A4 size paper.
By mitigating the need to take notes, the participants of the meeting can concentrate on the agenda.
The paper printout can be written on and a stamp can also be affixed which is convenient if it is to be kept as a
record of the meeting, or circulated. The printer can continuously print a maximum of 20 sheets.
Text or images drawn on the copyboard’s sheet surface can be stored in a USB memory
device as image files.
When a USB memory device is inserted into the bottom of the control panel and the “Save” button is pressed, the
material drawn by hand on the sheet surface is stored as an image file in the USB memory device.
Text or images drawn on the copyboard’s sheet surface can be loaded directly onto a com-
puter as image files.
The copyboard can be connected to a computer via USB cable and one page worth of material can be loaded onto
the computer as image data.
4 copyboard pages + 1 screen (model M-115)
In addition to the 4-page copyboard function, this model includes a screen designed for projecting images with a
regular or overhead projector. This screen can be selected at the touch of a button. A single machine serves as both
the copyboard and projector screen, saving space and preparation time.
* You cannot draw on the screen with markers. Also note that you cannot print images projected on the screen sur-
face or save them on a USB memory device or computer.
Maintenance-free, Low Power Consumption
RGB, 3-primary-color LEDs are used as the reading light source which means that there is no need to replace a flu-
orescent tube as with previous copyboard models. In addition, unlike fluorescent tubes, LEDs need only be lit when
reading the sheet surface which is reflected in low power consumption.