Clock and Sleep Timer
The time is automatically set using the XM signal. Select • menu → Settings →
Set Time → Time Zone to set the proper time zone for your location.
Your XMp3 radio can automatically adjust for Daylight Savings Time. To turn this •
feature on, select menu → Settings → Set Time → Daylight Savings.
To display time in 12- or 24-hour format, select the desired format through •
menu → Settings → Set Time → Hour Mode.
Your XMp3 radio has a sleep timer, which automatically shuts off the unit after a •
period of time. Select menu → Settings → Set Time → Sleep Timer. Choose
between 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes; choose “Off” to disable the sleep timer.
Restoring Factory Defaults
To restore all your XMp3 radio settings and preferences to a “factory fresh” state:
Select 1 menu → Settings → Restore Defaults.
Choose 2 Restore Setting to reset all options to factory defaults without erasing any
stored content.
- OR -
Choose Restore and Erase to reset all options to factory defaults AND erase all stored content.
Be careful!