Important error messages
These are some of the most important error messages which may be displayed:
Failed! Roaming in the selected area is not allowed.
Roaming with the selected network is not allowed.
The network has detected an authentication failure because your SIM is not
registered with that network – contact Vodafone.
SIM blocked!
The SIM is blocked because the PIN unblocking key (PUK) has been entered
incorrectly ten times – contact Vodafone.
Insert SIM
The phone has detected a problem with the SIM – switch the phone off and then
back on; if the message is still displayed contact Vodafone.
Invalid SIM
The SIM has failed one or more of the SIM personalisation checks – contact
Function unavailable!
The selected feature is either not supported by the SIM or is not available with
the current subscription – contact Vodafone.
PIN2 invalidated!
The PIN2 is blocked permanently because the wrong PUK2 has been entered
ten times, services controlled by PIN2 cannot be used – contact Vodafone.
Storage full Message
SIM message storage full
Message rejected!
A message has been received but the message store is full – to receive
messages, delete some of the currently stored messages.
Too many characters!
The edited or newly created contact number is too long for the SIM.
This message may not be
The message area is full. Your messages cannot be stored until some of the
currently stored messages are deleted.
Verification failure!
On changing the PIN/PIN2, verification of the new code is incorrect – retry
changing the PIN/PIN2 with correct verification.
Auto redial list full!
Redial list of unsuccessfully dialled numbers is full – switch the phone off and
then on again.