
Pure water on tap
Specifications Product highlights
General specifications
Water Selection: Filtered spray, Unfiltered spray,
Unfiltered stream
Replacement Filter Cartridge: WP3961
Accessories: 9 QuickFit tap-mounting adapters,
PureProtect Alert
Technical Specifications
Major Filter Components: Silver coated granular
activated carbon
Max. Input Water Temperature: 50 °C
Input Water Pressure: 70 - 350 kPa
Inital Water Flow Rate: 2 Litres/min, water
@ 100kPa, water temperature @ 20ºC
Chlorine Reduction Capacity: 2500 Litres
@ 2ppm)
Filter Lifetime: Approx. 6 months
Dimensions and weight
Product dimensions (LxWxH): 65 x 143 x
Product weight: 260 g
F-box dimensions (LxWxH): 84 x 170 x 140 mm
F-box weight: 440 g
A-box dimensions (LxWxH): 360 x 450 x 310 mm
A-box weight: 9.7 kg
Logistic data
EAN F Box: 87 10103 29992 9 (Brazil), 87 10103
31011 2 (Argentina)
EAN A Box: 87 10103 29993 6 (Brazil), 87 10103
31012 9 (Argentina)
Quantity per A Box: 20 pcs
Country of Origin: Japan
Issue date 2008-01-20
Version: 3.1
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
PureTaste filter
The PureTaste filter removes unpleasant chlorine, bad
tastes and smells, as well as large sediment from tap
water, ensuring cleaner and tastier water for drinking,
cooking and cleaning. In addition, the silver-coated
activated carbon inside the PureTaste filter prevents
bacteria growth inside the filter.
PureProtect Alert
The filter is supplied with PureProtect Alert, which
adheres to the filter cap easily. By marking the month of
replacement, you can be sure you remember when to
replace your filter.
This compact water purifier has a maximum flow rate of
two litres per minute, which makes little change to the
normal flow rate of unfiltered water. By simply rotating
the water selection lever, you also have a choice of either
a stream or a spray of unfiltered water or sprayed filtered
QuickFit tap adapters
The appliance comes with a number of tailor-made
QuickFit tap adapters, making sure it will fit on almost
any type of kitchen tap
QuickTwist filter change
The QuickTwist filter change mechanism makes changing
the filter quick, easy and secure.