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17" V30 GS4 107T5-71K CMTR
TYPE : 107T51/00
Wayne Lin
This document is related to the 17" AUTOSCAN (VGAabove and Max. resolution
1280X1024 by 60HZ refresh) color monitor for world-wide destination.
The AUTOSCAN analog color monitor is specified as a display peripheral within
an IBM PC, PS/2 ,VGAand advance VGAcompatible system.
The AUTOSCAN analog color monitor is to operate at horizontal line rates
between 30 to 71 KHz and refreshment rate between 50 to 160 Hz, can be applied to all
RGB analog computers within this scanning frequencies.
The AUTOSCAN analog color monitor is intended to be a finished product,
basically a display device mounted inside a plastic enclosure which provides the aesthetic
mechanical, ergonomic and safety requirements.
2.1 Generalcondition
The unit will produce a usable image after switching-on, measurements are to be carried out
with a full stabilized set after 30 minutes warm-up at room temperature of 25° C.
Repetitive power on/off cycles are allowed though should be avoided within 4 sec.
3.1 Signalinterface
The AUTOSCAN analog color display has an analog video interface to operates at a
multi-frequencies timing in several display modes.
3.1.1 Input requirements
A. Input signals
Video :Analog level
Sync. :Separate sync. with TTL level
Polarity : Positive or negative
B. Signal input level
Video : 0.7 Vp-p 75 ohms (for individual of R,G and B signals must not
deviate 0.015 Vp-p from each other for balance of white pattern)
Sync : TTL level
(between 0 and 0.6 V to be considered as low level, between 2.3 and 5.0 V as
high level)
C. Impedance
Video : Terminated with 75 ohms
Sync : Terminated with 4.7K ohms pull down resistors.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Generaldescription
3.0 Electricalcharacteristics