Types of Recordings
Recording Functions 6-7
Recording Functions
Types of Recordings
The monitor produces several different types of recordings. Alarm
recordings are generated automatically by the monitor when clinical
criteria are violated. In addition, you can make the following types of strip
chart recordings from the monitor:
• Delayed
• Monitoring Procedure
• Realtime Waves
Realtime recordings can either be made from a pre-selected set of
waves or selected when the recording is initiated.
• Realtime Vital Signs and Blood Analysis (made on a M1116A/B Plug-
In recorder).
• Trended Vital Signs (made on a M1116A/B Plug-In recorder)
• Neonatal Event Review (made on a M1116B Plug-In recorder)
• OxyCRG recordings can be made only on an M1116B Plug-In
Note—Depending on the configuration of your monitor, when you press
, either the Select Recording Waves window appears
(where you can choose the waves for a realtime recording), or the Preset
Recordings window appears (where you can initiate delayed, preset
realtime, and vital signs recordings). To switch to the other window, press
or .
Realtime Record