© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2005. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 23 May 2005 46 of 133
Philips Semiconductors
P89LPC932A1 User manual
9. Capture/Compare Unit (CCU)
This unit features:
• A 16-bit timer with 16-bit reload on overflow
• Selectable clock (CCUCLK), with a prescaler to divide the clock source by any integer
between 1 and 1024.
• Four Compare / PWM outputs with selectable polarity
• Symmetrical / Asymmetrical PWM selection
• Seven interrupts with common interrupt vector (one Overflow, 2xCapture,
4xCompare), safe 16-bit read/write via shadow registers.
• Two Capture inputs with event counter and digital noise rejection filter
Table 27: Real-time Clock Control register (RTCCON - address D1h) bit description
Bit Symbol Description
0 RTCEN Real-time Clock enable. The Real-time Clock will be enabled if this bit is logic 1.
Note that this bit will not power-down the Real-time Clock. The RTCPD bit
(PCONA.7) if set, will power-down and disable this block regardless of RTCEN.
1 ERTC Real-time Clock interrupt enable. The Real-time Clock shares the same interrupt
as the watchdog timer. Note that if the user configuration bit WDTE (UCFG1.7)
is logic 0, the watchdog timer can be enabled to generate an interrupt. Users
can read the RTCF (RTCCON.7) bit to determine whether the Real-time Clock
caused the interrupt.
2:4 - reserved
5 RTCS0 Real-time Clock source select (see Table 25
7 RTCF Real-time Clock Flag. This bit is set to logic 1 when the 23-bit Real-time Clock
reaches a count of logic 0. It can be cleared in software.