Philips indoor luminaires8.14
Light-line systems
Facetted reectors for TL5 and TL-D give shops and ofces a high-
class appearance.
They are made of steel, with a white or silver coating, and are available
for electrical units holding 1 or 2 TL5 or TL-D lamps.
The facetted reector can be integrated with a semi-high-gloss (D6)
OLC optic of high-quality aluminum. This optic has parabolic side
reectors and parabolic lamellae, and it can create either a medium
beam (with an integrated white top reector) or a narrow beam (with
an integrated mirror top reector). Moreover, a prismatic acrylic cover
(P) and a white steel louver (L-F) are also available.
End-plates for the beginning and end of the light-line are available as
Maxos TL5
Facetted reectors and optics
Type 4MX692 (TL5 reector)
4MX693 (TL5 louver/optic)
Suitable electrical unit For 1 and 2 TL5 35, 49, 54 and 80 W versions
Material and light
Steel, facetted (F) in white (WH) or silver (SI)
Reector option:
Steel, facetted (F) with high-gloss aluminum
mirror, wide beam (-WB)
Steel, facetted (F) with high-gloss aluminum
mirror, asymmetrical beam (-A)
Semi-high gloss, high-quality aluminum, (D6),
wide beam (-WB)
Semi-high gloss, high-quality aluminum, (D6),
narrow beam (-NB)
PMMA prismatic cover (P)
Steel lamellae, white (L-F WH)
Installation Click-in xation on electrical unit
Accessory Facetted reector end caps (9MX056 EP-F WH/
SI), facetted reector coupling pieces (9MX056
Remarks Reectors and optics are suitable for 1- and 2
lamp versions
Main applications Ofces, schools, cash areas in shops
Maxos TL-D
Facetted reectors and optics
Type 4MX092 (TL-D reector)
4MX093 (TL-D louver/optic)
Suitable electrical unit For 1 and 2 TL-D 36 and 58 W* versions
Material and light
Steel, facetted (F)
Steel, facetted (F) with high gloss aluminum
mirror, wide beam (-WB)
Steel, facetted (F), with high gloss aluminum
mirror, asymmetrical beam (-A)
Reector option:
Steel, facetted (F) with symmetrical beam, direct/
indirect (F-S-D/I)
Semi-high gloss, high-quality aluminum, (D6),
wide beam (-WB)
Semi-high gloss, high-quality aluminum, (D6),
narrow beam (-NB)
PMMA prismatic cover (P)
Steel lamellae, white (L-F WH)
Installation Click-in xation on electrical unit
Accessory Facetted reector end caps (9MX056 EP-F WH/
SI), facetted reector coupling pieces (9MX056
Remarks *2-lamp versions of facetted reectors to be used
with dedicated electrical unit (with lampholder
F32 mm)
Reectors and optics are suitable for 1- and 2-
lamp versions
Main applications Ofces, schools, cash areas in shops
Where relevant, for detailed descriptions of Lighting Controls we refer you to chapter 11, and descriptions for e.g. optics/optical covers, lamps data, photometrical diagrams, etc. to the respective sections in chapter 12.
Indoor_2008_Chapter_08_LIS.indb 14 20-05-2008 13:22:23