Heat Extraction
Ballast Losses
Based on 100 hours operation time of refrigerated lighting per week
(including restock).
Heat extraction is the additional cooling power required to extract the
heat generated by the light source (typical values).
Comparison values based on Philips lamp data.
Annual lighting power
consumption in a ve-door
refrigerated display case
The real cost
Wasted electricity
A study performed by the United Nations Environment
Program suggests that worldwide, refrigeration equipment
represents approximately 35–50% of a supermarket’s electric
bill*, 25% of which is consumed by display case lighting.
Traditionally, the products inside display cases have been lit
with uorescent lamps. Although considered an efcient light
source under normal conditions, uorescent lamps perform
poorly in cold temperatures. In fact, these lamps only
perform at 20% of their optimal light output. Additionally,
most of the energy consumed by this antiquated lighting
system is converted to heat within the display case. This heat
requires the cooling system to work harder and to consume
more energy to maintain the required temperature.
Costly maintenance
The cold and harsh environment of a cooler or freezer also
has a negative effect on the lifetime of a uorescent lamp.
Lamps often have to be replaced within months of installation
and this frequent re-lamping, as well as unplanned spot
replacement, results in substantial maintenance costs.
A better way of lighting
Now, thanks to Philips, you can take advantage of the most
advanced LEDs available in the market. Our Afnium LED
modules drastically lower the energy consumption required
to achieve your desired lighting levels. In fact, a 25W Afnium
LED module can replace a less efcient 78W uorescent
solution and still provide a higher quality of light.
* UNEP. 2002 Report of the Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps
Technical Options Committee. 35–50% of total energy bill.
The refrigerated display section of a supermarket or convenience store requires
a substantial capital investment. In addition to the initial investment in display
equipment, operating expenses such as electricity and maintenance pose a
signicant hit to the retailer’s balance sheet.