
VGA monitor extension cable
Specifications Product highlights
Type of cable: VGA Monitor Extension cable
HD15 M/F
Cable length: 180 cm
EAN/UPC/GTIN: 87 10895 96149 3
Quantity: 1
Length: 23 cm
Width: 16.5 cm
Height: 5 cm
Gross Weight: 0.193 kg
Tare Weight: 0.053 kg
Net Weight: 0.14 kg
Inner Carton
EAN/UPC/GTIN: 87 10895 96150 9
Quantity: 4
Length (cm): 48 cm
Width (cm): 11.5 cm
Height (cm): 18 cm
Gross weight: 0.94 kg
Tare weight: 0.17 kg
Net weight: 0.77 kg
Outer Carton
EAN/UPC/GTIN: 87 10895 96151 6
Quantity: 12
Length (cm): 50 cm
Width (cm): 37 cm
Height (cm): 20 cm
Gross weight: 3.7 kg
Tare weight: 0.88 kg
Net weight: 2.82 kg
Issue date 2008-07-24
Version: 3.3.6
12 NC: 9082 100 08032
EAN: 87 10895 96149 3
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Molded thumb screws
Easily turn the connectors with your fingers. No
screwdriver or tools are required.
Molded ends
Molded ends prevent fraying and extend the life of your
Rubber strain relief
Rubber strain relief provides a secure, yet flexible juncture
between the cable and the plug.