
Telephone cable
6 m Black
Connect to any phone outlet
Hook up a phone or modem anywhere there's a
phone outlet
Six conductor construction
Allows for up to three different phone lines.
Quality construction
Quality construction uses only top grade materials
to create products of extended durability.
Packaging dimensions
Packaging dimensions (W x H x D):
9.5 x 23.5 x 2.8 cm
Nett weight: 0.086 kg
Gross weight: 0.113 kg
Tare weight: 0.027 kg
EAN: 87 12581 45215 5
Number of products included: 1
Packaging type: Blister
Outer Carton
Outer carton (L x W x H): 40.5 x 30.5 x 22.5 cm
Nett weight: 3.103 kg
Gross weight: 4.083 kg
Tare weight: 0.980 kg
EAN: 87 12581 45216 2
Number of consumer packagings: 36
Inner Carton
Inner carton (L x W x H): 39.5 x 9.5 x 10.0 cm
Nett weight: 0.517 kg
Gross weight: 0.680 kg
Tare weight: 0.163 kg
EAN: 87 12581 45217 9
Number of consumer packagings: 6
Issue date 2009-04-11
Version: 1.2.4
12 NC: 8670 000 47754
EAN: 87 12581 45215 5
© 2009 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.