
- Color space is a representation of
the amount of color
gradations the WebCam is able to capture, expressed in bits
per pixel (
individual point of color).
RGB24, also known as
Truecolor, refers to 8 bit per color component (Red, Green,
Blue), resulting in 24 bits per pixel.This mode makes it
possible to represent 256 gradations of each color
Select this option for non-Internet applications.
- Output size (resolution):
Resolution is the number of pixels (individual points of color)
on both horizontal and vertical axis of a monitor.The sharpness
of the displayed image depends on the resolution and the size
of the monitor.The higher the output size, the higher the
resolution (and sharpness) of the displayed image.
Select ‘Advance’ to access the WebCam settings.
See ‘WebCam settings’.
Check the ‘Capture Audio’ box if you wish to capture your
voice as well during video recording.
Making a video recording
1 Select ‘Record’.
2 Select a folder to store the recording in.
> Recording starts immediately.
> Elapsed playing time, file size and free disk space are shown.
Select ‘Stop’ to stop recording.
Select ‘Playback’ to play the recording.
Instant messaging and Internet calling
(video chatting, video calling and VoIP)
The Philips SPC230NC WebCam works with all free instant
messaging and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) applications
such as Skype,Windows
Live Messenger,Yahoo! Messenger, AOL
Messenger and QQ.
Download and install the desired applications via their
Follow the on-screen instructions during downloading and
After installing an application, make the required WebCam
settings within the application in order to be able to properly
use the WebCam via the application.
Operating the WebCam