
Micro FM Transmitter
for PSP
Specifications Product highlights
EAN/UPC/GTIN: 6 09585 12597 1
Quantity: 1
Gross Weight: .118 kg
Tare Weight: .05 kg
Net Weight: .068 kg
Length: 6.5 cm
Width: 1.3 cm
Height: 3.2 cm
Inner Carton
EAN/UPC/GTIN: 1060958512597
Quantity: 4
Gross Weight: .475 kg
Tare Weight: .200 kg
Net Weight: .275 kg
Length (cm): 22.7 cm
Width (cm): 11.5 cm
Height (cm): 13.8 cm
Outer Carton
EAN/UPC/GTIN: 2 06 09585 12597 5
Quantity: 16
Gross Weight: 1.9 kg
Tare Weight: .8 kg
Net Weight: 1.1 kg
Length (cm): 29.6 cm
Width (cm): 25 cm
Height (cm): 24 cm
Issue date 2007-09-08
Version: 1.0
12 NC: 8670 000 27248
UPC: 6 09585 12597 1
© 2007 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Wireless operation
IR operation allows you to enjoy your PSP through your FM
radio without any connecting cables.
3 preset channel capability
Recall any one of 3 favorite FM stations at the touch of a
Sleek, compact design
A streamlined, micro design deftly matches the look and
feel of the PSP.