
AmBX PC gaming peripherals
Premium kit
Specifications Product highlights
Gaming effects
Wall washer and controller: High power RGB
LED array X 3, Devices inputs and outputs, Power
on/off LED indicator
Right speaker light: 2 X 2' drivers, LED array X 1,
Power on/off LED indicator, Light intensity
control, Volume control
Left speaker light: 2 X 2' drivers, LED array X 1
Integrated sound system: 2.1 system, 160 W
music power, 2 x 40W speakers 80W subwoofer,
Frequency 35 Hz ~ 20 kHz
Fan: Up to 5,000 RPM 2 x 40 CFM fan, Variable
speed control
Wrist rumbler: 2 Motor variable speed control
Minimum system requirements: For
WindowsXP™ Service Pack 2, Pentium 4 1.4GHz
or equivalent, 512 MB memory, 150 MB free
HDD space, One free USB port, Data - USB 2.0
compatible, PC audio soundcard stereo out
Packaging dimensions
Packaging dimensions (W x H x D):
x 47.8 x 57.5 cm
Nett weight: 10.54 kg
Gross weight: 13.46 kg
Tare weight: 2.92 kg
EAN: 87 12581 35429 9
Number of products included: 1
Packaging type: Carton
Outer Carton
Outer carton (L x W x H): 62.4 x 38 x 50.3 cm
Nett weight: 10.54 kg
Gross weight: 14.5 kg
Tare weight: 3.96 kg
EAN: 87 12581 35429 9
Number of consumer packagings: 1
Issue date 2008-04-18
Version: 3.0.8
12 NC: 8670 000 32706
EAN: 87 12581 35429 9
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Light effects
Using 16 million colors, the synchronized lighting system
intensifies the gaming experience, washing gamers’
viewing space with co-ordinated lighting. The screen is no
longer the barrier between gamers and the action.
Sound effects
Multidirectional sound for added realism delivered by the
powerful 2.1 sound system with a deep, rich bass and
clear treble.
Air and vibration effects
Every impact, kick or shot is felt as gamers play with the
game-activated wrist-rumble pad.Speed and movement
are realistically simulated by two desk fans. Combined
with the light and sound effects, it creates an incredibly
intense gaming experience.
Light show with digital music
amBX is also about more than games. If it’s time to party
or unwind, the system responds to music and floods the
room with a stunning coordinated light show. Alternatively
consumers can change the mood of any room with a
single color or series of lighting effects. Or, set their own
lighting sequences with the speed, color and intensity
controls in the easy-to-use interactive software.
Mood lighting
Be bold and create your own lighting creations with a
palette of over 16 million colors. Create unique lighting
designs that suit your mood or entertainment. Combine
your lighting choice with music and you have your very
own light show in the privacy of your own home.
Multimedia PC speakers
2.1 sound system with bass boost level.
An easy-to-use configuration manager enables a stress
free set up. Simply indicate where you’ve placed the
products around your room and the configuration
manager will set the perfect level for each product.
Control and customize
Light, sound, the amBX fans and rumble pad are all
controlled by the simple to use pop up control. It even
offers a series of preset options. The more adventurous
can customize the settings to create a bespoke system.
Tune and balance sound and light to your specific needs
to create the optimum experience for any room.