Manual breast pump
Out and about set
Specifications Product highlights
What is included
• ISIS Manual Breast Pump: 1 pcs
• Breast milk container (125 ml/ 4 oz): 2 pcs
• Breast milk container (260 ml/ 9 oz): 2 pcs
• Extra soft, Newborn Flow Teat: 2 pcs
• Cool pack: 2 pcs
• Bottle stand/funnel cover: 2 pcs
• Microfiber insulated travel bag: 1 pcs
• Spare parts: 1 pcs
Country of origin
• England
Issue date 2009-02-06
Version: 6.3.1
12 NC: 0000 000 00000
© 2009 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
With insulated travel bag and cool packs
Everything you need to maintain your milk supply and to
express and store your breast milk when away from your
Gentle-draw vacuum
The gentle-draw vacuum mimics baby's suckling to create
a steady milk flow that requires less pumping.
Patented Let-down Massage Cushion
Five, soft petal massagers gently flex in and out as you
pump and work with the vacuum to imitate your baby’s
Soft massage cushions
Patented massage cushions flex in and out, replicating
baby's suckling action and stimulating a fast, natural let-