For optimal results and greatest effect, prepare the areas on which you
intend to use the appliance in the manner described below.
1 Shave the areas you intend to treat as long as you still experience
hair regrowth.
Note: If your last depilation method involved removing hairs by the roots (e.g
epilating, waxing etc.), wait until you notice signicant hair regrowth before you
use Philips Lumea. Do not use depilatory creams instead of shaving.
- The light exit window and attachment may become contaminated with
stray hairs and dirt. A contaminated light exit window and attachment
can reduce the life and efcacy of the appliance. In addition, burns or
black spots that appear on the light exit window and attachment due
to contamination can cause the treatment to become painful or cause
skin reactions like redness and discolouration.
- Hairs on your skin can burn, which can result in an unpleasant smell.
2 Clean your skin and make sure it is hair-free, entirely dry and
free from oily substances (e.g. present in cosmetic products like
deodorants, lotions, perfumes, tanning creams and sunscreens).
3 Check the appliance, especially the light exit window and attachment,
for trapped hair, dust and bres. If you see any contamination, clean
the appliance according to the instructions in chapter ‘Cleaning and
- If shaving causes wounds or lesions, your skin may be more sensitive
and the light treatment may sometimes feel uncomfortable.
- Once the hairs stop growing back, which usually happens after 4-5
treatments, you no longer have to shave before you use the appliance.
Philips Lumea is an appliance developed for consumer use at home and
therefore not comparable with professional light-based appliances with
respect to pain sensation. The pulses of light delivered by Philips Lumea
are gentler than those from professional appliances and therefore you can
expect a and treatment.
You have to adjust the light intensity to your skin and body hair colour and
to a level you nd comfortable.
The recommended light intensities table below helps you to establish the
right light intensity.
1 Consult the table below to determine which light intensities are
most suitable for your skin and body hair colour and to check if this
method is suitable for you (if it is not, this is indicated with x in the
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