Network Extender
Specifications Product highlights
• Wireless LAN: 802.11b
• Encryption / security: WEP 128 bit
• Network mode: DHCP, Fixed IP
• IR emitter connectors: 4
Infrared Capabilities
• Operating distance: 33 ft (10 m)
• Transmitting LEDs: 5
• IR emitter connectors: 4
• Editor application on PC: iProntoEdit
• Mains power: AC 100-240 V 50-60 Hz 500 mA
• Master carton quantity: 1
• Product dimensions (W x H x D):
x 85 x 33 mm
• Product weight: 0.2 kg
• Temperature range (operation): 5°C to 45°C
• AC/DC Adaptor: 5 V 3 A
• Dual IR emitter wires: 4
• Quick start guide
Issue date 2009-02-12
Version: 5.0.6
12 NC: 9082 100 02321
EAN: 87 10895 79157 1
© 2009 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Home automation control
Control of not only Audio and Video devices but also other
devices in the home such as Lighting, Climate, Curtains,
Radio frequency
A radio technology that allows you to control components
not in direct line-of-sight, such as through walls or other
obstacles. There are two types of RF used in remote
controls: RF to component, and RF to infrared.
IR extension module
An infrared extension module allows you to control
traditional infrared equipment over a radio frequency
Integrated WiFi
WiFi networking, also known as IEEE 802.11 uses radio
frequency signals to communicate in a similair fashion as
wired computer networks. It uses TCP/IP networking
protocols for the basic communication.
One-touch convenience
One-touch control allows you to perform multiple
commands with one press of a button via a macro. A
macro combines a string of pre-programmed commands
under one single button. Therefore, it simply takes one
button press to execute a series of functions.
Setup wizard
The setup wizard provides a step by step guide that
tailors the device to perfectly match your home
entertainment system. By learning what equipment you
have, and how it is interconnected, the device creates its
own macros that allow full control of your home
entertainment system.